All aspects of quality measurement data, customized to your needs

Sleep Center Data Management Specialists

Rest assured knowing that your data are managed     

· accurately

· objectively

· thoroughly

· confidentially

Counting Sleep

Data Management Specialists

We want to give you more time to focus on patient care.

Keep your data management on track and in compliance with the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Accreditation (AASM) Standards.

Services available:

· Quality measurement program consulting

· Interscorer reliability data analysis

· Patient satisfaction data analysis

· Turn-around time data analysis

· Independent “gold standard” scoring by board-certified sleep specialist

· Data analysis for research projects

· Staff education



Quality assurance data analysis to meet American Academy of Sleep Medicine requirements for center accreditation.


Counting Sheep

Counting Sleep

PO Box 311

Mancelona, Mi  49659


To contact us:



Over 15 years of experience in data management and quality assurance consulting for accredited sleep disorders centers.



Customized services to meet your specific data management needs.